Tuesday 3 January 2012

Rinrei's Rants - No. 4

I am sick and tired of my bratty brother! Why does he insist on trying to annoy me?! Every time I am within a certain distance of him he proceeds to talk to me nonstop and insults not only me but my friends, my habits and the way I look.
   If I manage to ignore him via my MP3 player he decides to pick up the nearest object and prod me with it to see how I will react.
   Eventually I decide to get up and yell at him to stop but he just laughs and continues on with the act. I have been enduring this for 13 years and I have somehow avoided beating him every time he gets hold of that stick!
   He also refuses to let me near any electronic appliance while he is around. Whether it is the computer (which he is not using but claims he is) or the scanner (which he knows I need for my work), he refuses me access, just to annoy me.
   I swear he is a masochist, because he has seen me full-on angry and yet he thinks I am too much of a wimp or a coward to punch him back when he punches me.
   He thinks that he can control me and he is in charge. He thinks that his little 'problem' will stop me from yelling at him but he is wrong.
   Today I almost beat him with that bloody stick of his and a heavy book but he still proceeds to annoy me. He tells me to calm down in that arrogant tone of his and yet he still annoys me. He always has a comeback to everything I say and always tries to prove me wrong. I could even have physical evidence to contradict what he is claiming and he will freak out saying how I ruined everything and that I am annoying him.
   Sorry, 'dear' brother, but that is known as hypocrisy and I don't like it. He still thinks that he can annoy me and I won't get back at him! I simply annoy him because he annoys me first and yet he claims that I shouldn't annoy anyone because it's rude and someone will get annoyed.
   HA! Don't make me laugh! Hate to stick it to you painfully brother but you have gotten on my last nerve. I will end up losing it soon and you will be afraid of the consequences.
   You actually think that I will sit in that corner enduring all that stupidity of yours because I have enough sense to avoid getting in trouble? Yes, that's right, my whole life I have been getting into trouble for your stupidity and you think that you can just keep on acting like this without getting into trouble. Well, bratty brother, you have annoyed me for the last time.
   Year after year it's the same thing. I have gotten sick of the exact same tune and I think I'm going to play something new. You think that you are the greatest?  I'll scare you right out of your pants. I am going to take that bloody stick and I will shove it into your eye socket and through your brain.
   So, brother, if you ever learn to read and learn that it is not below you to actually learn anything I hope you read this. I bet after reading this you will still think you can challenge me and I will take a rock and smash in your skull until your brain is lying in little bloody pieces across the ground (My goodness, how morbid I am?). But do you think I will really give a monkey's uncle about what you think about the way my friends or I look as you lose the last of your consciousness as I kill you?
   I have never harboured such hatred towards anyone in my entire life. I have endured you for 13 years and ever since you could talk you have decided that it would be fun to annoy me and you have decided to embarrass me in public and make me lose my friends.
   One day all that taunting will come right back at you and it will hurt. You think that having longer arms that me or being taller will stop me from beating you up? You think that having your little problem and mum on your side will stop me from smashing your head into the wall? Sorry, but even mum is amazed I haven't snapped yet and is waiting for me to smash in your skull.
   I am not a nice person, brother, and you know it and you still believe I will never take my anger out on you. I have taken my anger out on you brat and you know it. I believe that I pushed you down the stairs and stomped on your head until mum came back from the shop and grounded me. That was when I was eight, boy. Imagine what I will do now.
   So don't piss me off, brat, or I will snap again. You were lucky today but if that coffee was hot I would have dragged you out of bed by the hair and reminded you of who I am. I am your older sister and I tend to show 'affection' through tough 'love'. If you break any more of my things, mock any more of my friends or insult my appearance, habits or intelligence one more time I will take that spear away from the wall and stab your stomach with it until blood spurts all over the living room walls. I don't care about the authorities at this point in my life. You have pushed me beyond that. Hell, it doesn't have to be just you either. I have been holding back 15 years of blood lust for too long and, if insulted by anyone, I will lose it. I will beat that idiot black and blue and break their arms and legs. I know I am capable of doing this, and so do you. You know this because I almost broke your arm when I was younger and I only stopped when mum came in.
   You're lucky to have mum guarding you otherwise you would end up starved, bleeding and bruised. You would fear me with all of your might because you would know that I am able to beat you beyond recognition.
   So don't push me if you want to keep both of your eyes, brat. I will hurt you and you will live to regret those years of taunting if I am not merciful enough to kill you.

Well, that's a lot of anger forced onto the computer!
(Wow, I just read this over again after I realized how quick the Eternal Editor is at editing. I actually might have anger issues)

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