Thursday 26 January 2012

Rinrei's Rants - No. 5 - WHY!?

Recently, it seems that this blog takes pleasure in deleting anything I post. My only question is 'WHY!?'. I have struggled to look for things in my ordinary life (as ordinary as life can get) to post something of mild interest to the public, only to return a few hours later and realise it is gone. WHY WORLD WHY!? I know I've been arguing with God a lot but WHY!?
   If my internet keeps doing what it is, then you might never see any posts from me again, because life is a joke and won't let me do my work. Someone is going to die and I don't know who it is but I suggest you run, run and hide you stupid worm. Away from this place before I find you and rip you into pieces. I will shove my hand down your throat and rip out your vocal cords (sorry, but I love that sentence and I shall keep it forever, Editor). 
   Somehow, I will burn down the internet and whoever is destroying my work. Killing it all with fire!!!

Signing off!

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