Tuesday 3 January 2012

Opposite Day

Note from The Editor: Unless you either a) like severe confusion or b) enjoy selecting and deleting all the unnecessary words to get to the real article and therefore bypass all the unnecessary stuff that is said, then you should abandon reading this immediately. Alternatively, read it and seek psychiatric help.

Opposite day. We've all heard of it, but when you say that it's opposite day, is it really opposite day? When you say that it's opposite day, you are technically saying it isn't opposite day but what's to say that that day is even opposite day at all? Saying that so doesn't technically mean it is opposite day but you would be unable to say it is opposite day when it is opposite day because then you will be saying it isn't opposite day. So, when you say that is isn't opposite day you may be saying that it is opposite day when you think that it isn't opposite day but you will not fully understand whether it is opposite day or not.
Let's look at it another way. If it was opposite day (or not opposite day if it was opposite day which also means it isn't opposite day... You get the point) then just what would the world look like? Would the grass be red and would the sky be below and the ground above us? Up would be down and down would be up, right? What would we look like? Would our skin be on the inside? How would you be able to tell the difference between male and female if it was opposite day?
Time for another thing. If it was opposite day, we would all be dead. Since we are all alive right now we would be dead on opposite day but death would be the complete opposite of what it is to us when it isn't opposite day so technically we would be alive but we would be dead anyway. The corpses of the deceased would come back to life (or death) but that wouldn't be possible because life would be death and death would be life. Basically the world would be confusing. Luckily, chemical reactions would be so slow that life would fail to exist. So that makes things easier to understand. (Note from The Editor: You're wrong! Chemical reactions would reverse. Ha! Beaten by The Editor.)
Also, on opposite day, time paradoxes would exist. That's right, Pisces. On opposite day time paradoxes would exist, so technically we could go back in time to prevent opposite day in some strange way. (Note from The Editor: Wrong again. Pisces and I share our views on the structure of time, and time paradoxes wouldn't work because time would be flowing backwards. Two nil to me.)
Well, what the heck;the world is apparently going to end on the 21st of December this year so we'll find out how opposite day will work then. Maybe opposite day will end up like any other day, but then the world won't end because opposite day won't kill any of us. But on opposite day, opposite day won't be opposite day, which means it is opposite day...
Well, I'll let you come to your own conclusions while I sit in bed with the laptop, chuckling at my own madness.

Signing off!
(My goodness, I sure am on a writing roll today. I wonder if my grammar has improved...)
(Note from The Editor: No, it hasn't. I've just upped my game a bit.)

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