Sunday 17 June 2012

Ketl of Fesh - FanFecshun

Okey so wonse epon a tim there wis a wee man with very funy heair who had superhairpowers and a pashin fer riteng but he hd no way 2 shw teh world hs tru pwers so he found a special ketl that was magic!!1!!! the ketl was fild wth fart emo fesh and thei wer ol alerjic tohair so the wee man who was called HARRY POTTER emtid the ketl and got a whole difrnt ketl so it was magc 2 n he set of to find mor fesh bcuz de othr fesh wer hairlerjic nd he found a bear mde of chopsteks cold MATT-AT nd he was rndom so he pot hem n the othr rndom peepl joined bt they wrnt good.

then th werld died the end dont expect me 2 rite mor if yo liekd et thn msg me and if u didnt UR A H8R N H8RS GONA H8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for refrnse, this is MATT-AT:

teknicly a berr med of chopstex

(Note from The Editor: That's the best fanfiction I've ever read. Wow. And is that really your face?
   The Professor's gonna kill you.)

1 comment:

Rinrei said...

If you look close enough at the one in the distance you can see the Professor's face.