Tuesday 21 February 2012


Today is the day that marks the anniversary of the birth of two rather obscure writers, one more likely known to you than the other. The first is Skald. Happy Birthday, Skald. You're getting old. Soon enough, you'll be dead.
   The second is, of course, our very own container of eyeshadow. That is to say, Evil's turned a year older. We should take this moment to reflect that, despite being the least active author of us all, she still remains a valuable member. Needless to say, if she were to die very suddenly, the blog would not grind to a halt but keep going as though not much had happened. I jest, of course, but still. Do I?
   I couldn't really miss this opportunity, could I? Answer: I couldn't. seize the day, particularly when they happen to be birthdays.
   Now run along, young ones. Have a cake.

I didn't say it would be a real one, did I?
   And I am still of the belief that Evil will age faster than Skald, so she'll hit the ripe old aage of ninety before he does. Heheh, heheh...

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