Saturday 18 February 2012


It is a well established fact that whenever you say that something is a well established fact, everyone believes you, without even bothering to check. So with this knowledge in hand, I am going to share a secret with you. It is a well established fact that when you change the first letter(s) of a word to some completely different letters, the word is now an obscure species of dinosaur.
     You may think it is wrong, but thing about it. If you get the word 'button', and change the 'butto' to 'iguanodo', then you get the dinosaur. Granted, it isn't exactly obscure, but I was lying before.
     Since knowledge is power, everyone who tunes into this blog is now more powerful than those who do not. Unless they're trying to tune into it via radio. Or toaster.
     Since that's all I have to say, seaborgium.

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