Sunday 5 February 2012


A while ago I gained the terrible condition known as insomnia. I would wake up in the middle of the night feeling wide awake even though I had only snatched two hours of sleep. It got to the point where I ended up having panda eyes.
   Anyway, in order to kill this wretched disease I used to take sleeping pills, and even then I would only be able to sleep for the designated eight hours.
   It has been eight months and I have been sleeping perfectly fine. Well, as fine as I can get, which is only five hours.
   Until today. My mum had gone out with her sisters for a party of sorts (if you count going to a fancy restaurant as a party), and had told me to leave the door unlocked, so she could come back in. I decided that since she would not be back until midnight, I could do what I wanted until she came back, and naturally I did some drawings.
   When I looked at the clock I realized that it was nearly ten and I decided that it would be best to go to sleep. I crawled into my bed and eventually fell asleep.
   I suddenly woke up and looked around. It was dark, so I thought it was about five in the morning. I just lay in bed trying to get comfortable again, but it didn't work.
   In the end, I decided to check the time. It was one in the morning. The first thing that went through my head was: Damn. (Well, it was a swear word, but the Editor would edit that out. So I don't include it here.)After 15 minutes of trying and failing to get to sleep, I just sat in the middle of my bed, glaring into the darkness. I had some odd and random urge to drink milk as well. (Am I well? What am I turning into?) I went into the kitchen the moment I realized that my mind would not let me ignore my thirst. (A vampire, perhaps?) I noticed that the living room light was on but, ignored that for now because I was thirsty. After finishing two cups of milk I had left the kitchen to go back to the living room and turn off the light. Inside the room was my mum on the laptop. It seems we had both acquired insomnia.

Seriously, I thought I got rid of this damn insomnia! I think I might actually be turning into a vampire. Other than the urge to drink milk instead of blood (it's weird), then I'm already a fully-fledged vampire. (Without the inhuman strength and speed, of course.) I even have the sharp canines and hatred of the sun. (Even though I can still go out in it. I AM A DAY WALKER!)

Anyway, stress out over!
Signing off!

Vampire Rinrei

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