Friday 10 February 2012

Rinrei's Rants No. 6 - Why you...

I was on Facebook, and I came across a post where one of my 'friend's had a random phone number on their phone, yet didn't know who's it was and wanted to find out. As a joke, I insisted they call it then said I would find out myself for a laugh.
  The person who I ended up calling took me far too seriously, and started calling me a 'creep' and telling me, rather rudely, to go away. I was like: "Okay, sorry. I wasn't serious."
  Then their friends started bugging me and being rude too. I hate confrontations, and I apologized and left. Later on, this person posted about people not taking a hint, so I apologized again. They got even angrier and started yelling at me. I apologized yet again, but they continued their yelling and finally said: "Stop saying sorry and go  away." I was like: "Okay. Sorry."
  Then they act like they can still insult me after I apologized for the way I acted numerous times, and I won't be offended. I try to act pleasant and understanding on Facebook and stuff like that, but I really hate people yelling at me, especially when I've done nothing wrong, or maybe I've done something wrong and I've apologized sixteen times over for it.
  Look, person, if you read this, I am sorry. No need to act like a sulky brat and think you can get away with it. I am offended when you and your friends think that one thing is an excuse to make me feel horrid and like a creep. I. DIDN'T. INTEND. IT!
  Look, I can get that you wouldn't want to phone the number, but I didn't insist you call them. You clearly don't get a joke when you see one and you think it'd be fun to mess with me because I'm far too scared to yell back. 
  I can happily say to you at this point and time: Learn some bloody manners, and don't think you have a perfect excuse to start yelling at me because you don't. And to her stupid friend: Shut the hell up because I don't care what you think. You want to mess about with me, then go and start liking my joking comments. I hate being messed about and if you think it's fun to do so then go die in a hole. You're not even worth the effort of me killing you.

Signing off!

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