Tuesday 28 February 2012

Hello Again.

So we meet again! My my, it certainly is a pleasure.
   Well, today I was drinking a cup of tea that my wife had made, which was absolutely appalling. So I went to confront her and she was playing a game called Skyrim. I liked the look of the game so I decided I wanted to play. (It wasn't easy, I had to wrestle her to the ground to get the controller.)
   As I was happily frolicking about, with a den of trolls with a multitude of enraged creatures stumbling after me, I heard a dragon roaring, which intrigued me. So I followed the dragon's call and, sure enough, there was a lovely dragon, ever so joyously setting fire to a village.
   I guess I must've got too close to the wretched beast, because before I knew it, the fire was being aimed at me. As I hid behind a rock, singed by the flames, I thought to myself: "This is not on."
   So it was that I jumped out from behind the rock, ready to face my foe, only to realise that a giant had beat me to it.
   I was enraged! I ran at the giant, battle-axe in the air, yelling like a voodoo priest. I guess I must've caught the giant's attention, because he then started to attack me, and I felt I was rather stealthy... Well anyway, this giant wasn't a happy one, and started to swing his club like a psychopath and eventually, to my suprise, he managed to hit me. It was a clean downwards strike which, funnily enough, propelled me a large distance into the air. Needless to say, I was devastated. (I blame it on Ike. He's such a bad swordsman.)
   Anyway, it was lovely talking to you all again and I hope my story helps you in life... The moral to this story is that jealousy is bad for your health but good for your altitude.
   Bye bye.

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