Tuesday 28 February 2012

I Appear to be Here

Oh, goody. I appear to be here.
   Seeing as you probably don't already know this, I was on holiday, so I haven't been posting for a few days. Of course, I couldn't say because last time I said so the views went down the drain. Not that that hasn't happened anyway. Bloff.
   I had a lovely holiday in the Bahamas, only to be flying home and decide to open my Blogger account to see that a grand total of NOTHING has been posted in the last week or so. As such, I have decided to take drastic action.
   I'm activating Protocal 1146 - the 'Extra Author' protocol.
   Yup. I'm bringing in yet another author. This time, though, it's different. Because his name is Bill.
   So I'm peeved at the rest of you authors. You haven't done squat. Matt, you just got a freakin' laptop for goodness sake! You said that you could access the internet. So use it! Blog! EMoC is slightly excused, but her and Rinrei's exams are over. That excuse has lived its course. Editor - you probably should've done something anyway. Haven't you got a revenge to exact, anyway? And I was on holiday, so I don't count.
   So... roll in the Bill, I guess...

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