Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day? Oh Dear...

February's a short month, and we who actually use February know it. Despite this, we see fit to shoot at it with the blunderbuss that fires from its barrel that shot known as 'Annual Events'.
   I here refer to Valentine's Day. I know people who have birthdays in February, and I have no qualms about their being born in said month. They couldn't help it, most likely. But anyway, moving swiftly on...
   Valentine's Day kind of annoys me, mostly for the same reasons as New Year's Resolutions just don't happen within a five foot radius of my head. My philosophy (or at least, one of several) is: Why wait? Procrastinate and you shall never get there.
   The seemingly unfortunate truth is that the greater part of the human race fails to realise this as truth. I can't say that I'm alone in this though, as the probability is that at least one of this blasted humanoid ape race will think in similar ways to myself. However, I cannot assume, so I won't.
   So why don't I do anything on Valentine's Day? Well, for those of you who haven't read my prior post on New Year's Resolutions or are just a bit dumb, here you go.
   I basically don't believe in holding something off until a specific date just for the sake of it being on that specific date. To go back a little ways and quote myself (sad, I know), "if something's worth doing, then why hold off?"
   You see? Holding off just gives us more time to accumulate doubt or other things that need doing. Remember the days when people did homework? Leaving it until the last minute was always the worst thing, and probably ended with you having to do more work. I rest my case.

So what I now want to know is: Who here, reading this, actually did anything for Valentine's Day? Did you buy one of those truly horrible plush monkeys with the hearts on their chests? Did you skirt around the matter and manage not to do anything Valentine's related at all? Did you buy roses? Spit on the calendar? Give me your answers, ether by leaving a comment at the bottom or by contacting me at pisces.kettle@yahoo.com.

Happy Valentine's Day folks (because I'm immune to special occasions but not happiness).

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