Wednesday 1 February 2012

February 2012 Update

February already? Wow...
   An end to one month and an end to another within sight. This calls for an update!
   Two words for you: Continuous growth. That is what The Kettle is experiencing. And I wish to keep it that way. If all goes to plan then we may also top the 200 post mark, assuming everyone pitches in. (Matt, Evil, Rinrei, get your skates on. Matt, fix that hillamagigin' computer soon. I half expect you to counter my claim that the Greenland Ice Cap isn't real.)
   As far as taking on new authors goes, I'm not expecting anyone to turn up very soon. Sigh. There's just no-one out there who think's they're good enough... No matter, it just highlights how good the team is already. When I say 'team', I mean the people who actually work here. That basically refers to me and The Editor. The rest of us just seem to fool around.
   As ever, our audience widens and expands, though not physically - I'm sure that you aren't all getting progressively fatter, as for some people this would be very, very difficult. We're getting views from some obscure places, including Argentina, Thailand and, bizarrely, Iraq. I thank you randomers for dropping by. Come again soon, please, and bring your friends with you!
   Nothing much actually happened this last month, did it? This month should get more interesting. Let's see, I've got a Sponsored Idiocy to sponsor someone for (and therefore an idiot to sponsor, no offense), there's a birthday or two around the corner, a whole season of The Big Bang Theory to work my way through (and enjoy, of course, never forget to enjoy) and the dreaded 14th to survive. How the heck will I cope? More importantly, how will the blog sustain the potential fallout from any of these events? Oh, and we also have the 29th to look forwards to. Just another day before the end of the world.
   Well, I'm off to work. Obviously nothing in February threatens immediate impending doom to us all, though I personally beg to differ. But before I explain, let's just see how the month works.

And, just in case you ever look at the locations on these things, I'm not in Portugal. I'm underneath it.

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