Friday 17 February 2012

A Scripted Mistake

Mm. I do believe that I've just made one of the bigger mistakes of this year.
   I have just gone and signed up for an event known as 'Script Frenzy'. Remember NaNoWriMo? The challenge where I had to write a 50,000 word novel in November only? Yeah, well, that was difficult. This might just be more difficult, depending upon your perspective. That's because it is, in essence, NaNoWriMo, except this time round the challenge is to write a hundred pages of original scripted material in the month of April.
   "What's so difficult about that?" you cry. "You've written a 50K-word novel. How bad can it be?"
   The answer: Very.
   This is probably due to the fact that I have never once in my life actually written a script for anything, unless you count something that crossed little Water Goblins with Houdini that I wrote many, many years ago. I don't even know what format scripts are usually written in, for Pete's sake! I'm totally at a loss as to what to do and how to structure it. Such is the reason for my frantically reading through the whole Script Frenzy website in search of helpful advice and suchlike. With 44 days to go until the start of the event, I think I'm safe for now. I have the time to read it all through, summarise it and print off somthing to help me as I write my TV series, film, play or whatever.
   I suppose the great question lurking here is: Why? Why'd I go and sign up for something that I (presently) have no idea how to succeed at? The answer is, as far as I can discern: Because I have no idea. Seeing as I don't have the foggiest where to begin with this enterprise, it's only logical for my to throw myself in at the metaphorical deep end.
   With NaNoWriMo, I knew where I stood. I've written stuff before, of course, and that made it somewhat easier. This time round, it's something almost completely new to me. A sink-or-swim moment, I guess, although that moment's going to be drawn out over thirty days. If I swim, yippee! I'll carry on with my life knowing that I can write scripts in a short amount of time, plus I'll have a new script to either sell or keep about my person at all times. Plus I'll get near-unlimited bragging rights. If I sink, however, I won't have lost anything, apart from maybe a truckload of sleep and time. But time's there to be spent, right? I should know, I theorise as to the semi-nonlinear structure of time and causality every day. I call it dreaming-when-I-should-be-working.
   In short, I don't care what the odds are that I won't 'win', as it were. I'll try. The experience will go a long way, and prospective employers may or may not wish to know that the potential employee had the time, commitment and sheer downright audacity to go and try something monumental. Much like this, I suppose.
   Here's me, hoping to survive past the end of April.
   Regards, Professor Pisces

Oh, and if you wish to join me in the frenzy, click the link and sign up.
And, if you wish to become a writing buddy of mine, just search up 'TimothyTurpin' in the on-site search bar.

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