Thursday 28 June 2012


AAAARRRRGH! They've done the unthinkable! My scriptwriting dreams are gone! AAAAAAAGGGGH!


Script Frenzy, run by the OLL (a not-for-profit organisation) is a month set aside for writing a whole script. 100 pages of original scripted material, to be precise. It was the thing that got me into writing my very own scripts. And now, it's been axed.

The OLL's cut it from their program because it was 'losing money at a rate that was unsustainable'. A not-for-profit organisation, the OLL run purely on donations. However, they seem to expect their projects to grow in size over the years, and Screnzy hasn't met that standard, staying pretty much the same each year so far. Now I have to say that, although I understand their decision, I do not agree with it. Screnzy was fun for all who took part (as well as for some who didn't; I speak of editors and readers), and financial concerns shouldn't turf that out.

This is, wuite obviously, a rather annoying thing to occur. However, I have a plan: to begin an online community who would gladly write a one hundred page script every April, despite the absence of the Screnzy website. Facebook, Twitter and Internet groups of all types could contribute to the Frenzy. And seeing as I'm thinking this, perhaps there are others thinking it, too.

Come on, Screnzies and scriptwriters! We'll take it to them. We can begin a Screnzy of our own. All we have to do is take a step forwards.


Unknown said...

I was really sad when I found out, I was looking forward to next April so much because of Script Frenzy(much more then to novel writing months) but now April is just April...
I know that I still want to write more 100 page scripts, so I will do it without Script Frenzy! And I am sure there must be more people who'd like to do the same thing!

Professor Pisces said...

You are correct; me and my friend Dan are gonna try and set something up where we can still do Script Frenzy, even if the OLL isn't with us. We shall not fail!