Friday 22 June 2012

A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down...

... but unfortunately, it also gives you diabetes. It's a shame how the good things in life come at a cost. But who cares?

So anyway, I'm posting because I can and it's what I like to do. Also, I was eating toast and I accidentally dropped a piece. That gave me some sort of an epiphany. Toast ALWAYS seems to land butter-side down and cats ALWAYS land on their feet. So what do you think if you strapped toast to the back of a cat? Would it land on its back or its feet? Or would it land at all? It might just keep falling and never land. Now that's something to think about. However, it's only something to think about. Never try it. Although the result may be interesting: The toast will be hairy; an utter abomination.

I think I have officially lost my sanity. After all, being as classy as I am comes at a cost, like every other joy in life. That's why you should only do things if you can face the consequences.

My dog ate ice cream, and when I tried to take it off him and he growled at me in a threatening way. I did that to my mother once for doing the exact same thing.

I may seem insane right now, but there's more to it than what you are reading. It's an art. I like to call it 'Controlled Madness.' You should try it some time.




Good night, everyone!

P.S. Why is there no such thing as an exclamation mark where, instead of a period under it, it's a comma?

1 comment:

Professor Pisces said...

Bill, I think you may be right. You've just gone so insane that you went right out the other side into a metastable insanity state. Wow.

You must be the new Matt.