Wednesday 6 June 2012

Sean Bean - Why He Is So Wonderfully Magnificent

Hello there. Today I'm going to be telling you, as if you didn't already know, why Sean Bean is such a brilliant person.

If you don't know of the Bean, disagree, or are simply just uninterested, you may stop reading now, and find a good safehouse to hide in, for it is treason of the highest order to not know of him. Besides, the fact that Sean Bean is named 'Sean Bean', there are a multitude of other reasons why he is loved by many around the Universe (see, I care for martians too).

 One of these reasons being that he is, in fact, Boromir. Boromir is a character from 'The Lord of the Rings', and although he dies at the very start of the second book (the end of the first film) he was certainly one of the greatest characters, despite him being a snide, headstrong fool. In his death scene, he takes three (not one, not two, but three!) arrows in the chest before he dies. It's a sad scene in the movie and a sad point in the book and one day, we'll feel that horrible sadness when the Bean himself dies.

Another reason why Sean Bean is arguably the best ever is that he's from the UK. That's a good reason right there. End of point.

The final reason (in this post, there are an infinite number of reasons) is that he's in 'Game of Thrones'. He plays Eddard Stark who, believe it or not, is one of Iron Man's ancestors... I jest, but it is a nice thought. He does a superb job as this character and, well, he's the Beaniest for the job. This is why Sean Bean is, quite frankly, one of the greatest heroes of our time. If you disagree, then please refer to the first sentence of the second paragraph, however useless it may be at this point. Also, just to inform you, I'll be closely studying Matt for the next couple of days. I shall be experimenting to see if he can cease to be strange for the time being, however the exercise is inevitably pointless. I shall later post the results with some other interesting views on... things.

Goodbye, my pally-ol'-chummy-ol'-pals.
   Billiam Harkin Hanselton III

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