Saturday 23 June 2012

A Question for the Universe

Weird title. I know. It has little to do with this post, but heck if I care.

Anyway, I've noticed that all I really do is ramble about pointless things in life that have little or no purpose or relevance. To get rid of my suddenly depressing mood (caused by me questioning how I would die and whether it would be slow and painful), I searched the web for stuff to laugh at. This stuff, my good friends, were badly written stories. From fanfiction to non-fiction, I read them. And boy, did a lot of nasty comments bubble to the surface.

I must say, I am at a complete and utter loss for words. It seems the majority of the online population have no skill in writing and half the readers think that bad grammar, horrific spelling, lame plots and boring characters or even dreaded Mary-Sues are the best kind of stories in the world.

I decided, after coming back to life, that I would copy and paste these horrific stories into a document on my computer so I could paste my nasty comments all over it.

Now, here's the question I shall ask everyone that is reading this: Dare me to post them up? Shall I really go suicidal and threaten 70% of the writing population by posting their story extracts, with all my comments, on this blog? Someone will say it's copyright infringement and I'll say that they don't deserve that right because of how bad the story is. Trust me, I've done this so many times before and it's funny.

So, shall I? Or shall I not? Answer, or I'll kill you with fire.


(Note from The Editor: It's only copyright infringement if you don't say a) who the original author is and b) where it came from, i.e. you have to paste in the URL at some point unless you've done so in a prior post.
   Also, I'm warning you that if you simply do this I will delete the post. I'm not in the mood for editing 70% of the Internet's home-made fanfiction. Plus, you're more than likely to infringe somebody's copyright and none of us have the money to deal with a lawsuit. Why do you think Pisces started this whole thing up? Why do you think I joined?)

NOTE FROM RINREI: Don't worry, I usually put up story extracts of dead profiles, or profiles that have been abandoned, and usually the extract is only as long as the first paragraph. I always post up a link to the original story and make it clear it doesn't belong to me. Don't worry about editing the extract, for I want the entire world to know how bad the story is. Basically, all I'm doing is reviewing the story.

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