Tuesday 19 June 2012

Future Talk - A Review

Well, after reading through all those torturous chapters of the disturbingly painful fan-fiction 'My Immortal' (which Evil will continue to rant about) and gouging a hole in my stomach with a pencil, I ranted to Evil about her reasons for posting up a link to said fanfiction. The conversation went something like this:

Rinrei: Evil, why did you put a link to that awful story on the blog? I collapsed on the ground in a twitchy mess and died, then I came back to life. Have you seen The Editor's notes yet? He also died.

Evil: I know. I'm back and ready for my ascension to the throne.

RinreiSlowly paving our way to the top. Just need to push Pisces off. I'm just reading your story again. Oh, the hate filled comments...

EvilI hate the story. Makes it fun to review, though. You should see my notes. It's basically filled
with "WHY???" and other cursings.

RinreiDefinitely. I'm not going to read the chapters, but the final one, just to see if that argument you were talking about is true.

*A little while later...*

Rinrei: Someone has to kill her off in a non-romantic way. Just PLEASE.

And then we continued to ramble about our hatred for the next hour or so, but that isn't the point. After reading this horrific fan-fiction I decided that since we no longer had a punching bag for me to punch, I would read a good fan-fiction called 'Future Talk'.

  So, to regain my sanity, I shall now start reviewing this fan-fiction.

  The story starts with our main character who is a 20-year-old with a cripple leg called Dani Thompson. Not a Mary-sue. Good start. Our actual story starts with Dani being forced to review a horrific fan-fiction (I actually did a review of this story excerpt) and ranting about how much she hates it. Already, we have an idea that she isn't one of those gooey-gooey, love-love readers. 

  The name of the first chapter is 'Death for my Birthday', so it's not surprising that Dani dies in the first chapter. Ironic thing is, it's her birthday. I think she and Pisces would get along perfectly (as in, they enjoy killing off their main character in the first chapter).

  In the next chapter, the author already goes and shows she's been doing her research as Dani is given a second chance at life if she can save another world (Dani even goes ahead and quotes Star Wars to mock this). But, this is done much better than I say it is with Dani's personality all over it. 

  Now, I said the author had been doing their research, and I said that for a reason. In this there are, obviously, alternative universes and time paradoxes and all things science related. Now, that doesn't mean that the author rubs it in your face, because the person telling the story is Dani and Dani is a bit of an idiot. 

  Since Dani is sort of...dead, she has to nick someone else's body. Luckily, there was already a shapeshifter lurking around that died (we find out later that this was planned) and since that was the only time that anyone had ever seen said shapeshifter and the demons that saw it died, it's the perfect opportunity for Dani to get a new body.

  I can't really tell you much about the actual story itself since that would spoil the fun, but I shall say that Dani  being in this world means that stuff changes. And boy does it change. Stuff changes because of Dani, who did not exist in this world before, and it seriously starts to muck the world up. Hence, this author has researched her science.

  Personally, I think this is a great fan-fiction because it manages to keep to realism and Dani appears as a well-balanced person with both her flaws and her strengths. And even better, THE CHARACTERS ARE IN CHARACTER! You have no idea how rare that is people. No idea. 

  Now, seeing as this post isn't long enough, let's talk about Dani Thompson properly.
(That's drawn by me.I'm doing a comic version for the author.)

  Now, this drawing doesn't fully represent Dani. In the story, Dani is obviously 20, but people often think she's a child not only because of her stunted growth, but her overall personality. Most of the time, Dani acts entirely on impulse and is known for getting herself in a lot of trouble, but surprisingly, she does think things through. Throughout the story, you can see her mature and learn and trying to be useful despite her faults and sometimes she does it well. She reacts like most people would under stress and is just as emotional, goofy or serious as everyone else. This makes her a well-balanced, well-developed character that is so uncommon in fan-fiction today.

  Now there are a few flaws to the story, and as a critic, I have to point them out no matter how much I love the story. Sometimes, the author goes into too much detail about how the people look when Dani first meets the crew and although this is good for the story, since everything is different, I can't help but get a little eye twitch when people go into too much detail. 

  Naturally, being as bias as I am, I am fine with the relationship between Dani and one of the characters because the author is one of the few people that does it WELL. However, since I have never seen that specific character falling in love with anyone I can't really say how he'd react to situations.

  Finally, there are too much comedic scenes in the beginning. Dani just seems to goof off the plot a little too much, but I think this is just the authors way of lightening the mood, which is good since the canon is originally comedic. However, near the end, Graphospasm is starting to fit everything into the darker plot and as we are near the end of the fan-fiction, I am still waiting in suspense to see what happens. Personally, I think Dani is going to be forced to kill the main bad guy while crying and all that jazz. Death in tears is always a good way to end a villian, unless you just want the hell  heck beaten out of that guy like what Ed did to Father. That was awesome.

  Well, that's all I can say without this becoming the long post for the week, so I guess I'm just continue that lovely war with the Eternal Editor.



EDIT: This is apparently the 300th post, after cutting out all the drafts which just keep on appearing. Yay for me, but knowing me luck, someone's going to contradict me.

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