Sunday 17 June 2012

I Propose A War!

Rinrei. You spite me. Your recent post concerning a story that you're writing both intrigues and disturbs me, but I must say that it is the topic of this post. You know the one I mean.

Observant readers may well have noticed a certain post which has a fluctuating title. So far it's flipped between 'This is not a title' and 'Titles Are Important. Suck It Up.' The reason for this unusual phenomenon is simple: I cannot be bothered with laziness (ironic, I know) and like to change the odd title a little bit. Seeing as we are at a bit of a stalemate over what title belongs above that particular post, I seek to find a solution.

I propose a war between myself (The Eternal Editor) and Rinrei. She shall have the first move - ladies and undead, ravening creatures first - and she shall create a post. She'll title it whatever she wants, and then post a short message below. And so shall begin a classic duel, where I shall parry her comment with one of my own. This shall appear directly beneath the previous comment. And so we shall continue, until such time as A) one of us gives in, B) Pisces puts a stop to our fun or C) the post is so long that we need to start a new one.

Yes, it is true that I Like Varr. And I demand satisfaction! Avast, ye scallywag. Pick up the gauntlet or I'll simply mess with ALL your titles. Muhuhahaha... Let the games begin.

I would just like to point out that this is not meant to provoke any kind of anger or annoyance, and would simply make for good fun. I may appear to be grumpy and decrepit, but I like my fun.

I await the war.
   The Eternal Editor

1 comment:

Rinrei said...

Knowing us, it will stop when the post gets too long and we will have to post another.