Monday 18 June 2012

Remember Me?

Yes. I'm back, for a short while. Maybe even only for this post, but I'm back and ready to reclaim my title as the Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers. I have left you on many a cliffhanger during my long hiatus. I was studying - evidently not an excuse worthy enough to the Professor, where he points out that Rinrei herself is in the same year as me and still finds time to post on the blog - but I am back. If I can remember the joy of blogging after this post, maybe you can expect more of me again.

"But what on earth caused you to come back to us?" you ask. Well, my loyal servants slaves readers, that is an interesting story.

More than a week ago, while my parents were out of the house and away, the doorbell rang. Answering it, I found my neighbour holding a Tupperware box with something inside - something I could only describe as slime at the time. She begged me to take it off her hands, so I obliged and was given a set of instructions.

That's right. I got Herman, the friendly yeast.

But anyway, ten days of nurturing Herman went by and at the end of it he made such a lovely cake. But we had bits of Herman left over. Three quarters of him, in fact. Overnight, Herman had tried to take over our kitchen. We knew that we couldn't keep him. My mother destroyed two quarters of Herman, but we felt pity for the last one. So, we thought to ourselves, who do we know in the neighbourhood who would gladly take a piece of Herman...?

We gave it to the Professor. He would only accept Herman on one condition: That I post something on the blog.

So here you go, Professor. Have a post. Was it what you expected? I don't really care at this point. I'll post in the future - probably - but I don't know how close or far away that future is.

Peace out, y'all!
   Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers

P.S. What is all this about me being a Tasmanian Devil?

(Note from The Editor: Ah, the prodigal returns. Better late than never. Still, I suppose I can't complain...
   I would go and read through all the posts that you missed, Evil. Especially 'Comparing Authors with Animals'. In fact, check the whole 'Comparisons' section.
   Ed out.)

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