Friday 15 June 2012

The Truth, Relationships and Myself

Yeah, well, I knew I'd have to let slip eventually. I just didn't expect it to happen on the first freakin' day back... Sigh.

As Rinrei says, I have a girlfriend and Rinrei died when she found out. Fortunately for me (or perhaps unfortunately, seeing as what's about to occur), Rinrei's a vampire and came back to life. But that's pretty much all I'm willing to say about the matter, apart from perhaps that I'm really not the cold, heartless person everyone seems to think me to be. Every coin has two sides, and then there's the side in between. It doesn't happen terribly often, but that elusive third side sometimes shows up. This time, it did. And that's how it shall stay.

Apparently I'm a romantic. I like to think I can just turn a phrase, like what Albus Dumbledore used to do before Snape nabbed him. I don't think too deeply about what I'm about to say, which has resulted in some serious misunderstandings in the past. But I can really say no more - who knows who could read this?

What you can expect from now on is certainly not a complete evaluation of my life, but perhaps I'll be behaving a little strangely for a while. Sudden dashings-off and suchlike. Time shall tell...

Oh, and one more thing. Her name. It's Dragon.

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