Friday 15 June 2012

I Don't Care What The Editor Says, I Refuse to Create a Proper Title!

Let me start by saying that the post from before was NOT my long post. I am barely conscious after discovering that Pisces is currently in a relationship with a person I found so unlikely that I stopped breathing and died. A lot like what happened to Evil.

Anyway, I'm back to life with a story I said I would most certainly post up. Now, this is based on a mix of 'Future Diary', 'Battle Royale', 'The Hunger Games' and, apparently, '72 Hours'. The idea is that it is a mix of the stories with my friends and myself inserted as different characters (the names have been changed and there are slight alterations in personalities). So, without further ado, let's post up the results of a bored and violent mind.

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The Plot: Fifty students have been selected and left separated in an abandoned mining town. What do they have to do here? Simple: They have to kill one another. Only one person can survive, and that person shall gain glory! The students have as long as it takes to kill everyone there, but there is little food supply and some people are more than willing to kill the others. Everyone has a phone that tells them exactly what one (only one) of the students is doing and where they are. They have been supplied with weapons. But can they do it? Would you survive, or would you die like so many before you? Only time will tell.

Name: Lizzie Borden (Rinrei)
Description: A typical, normal girl who’s a tomboy most of the time, but is actually the most psychopathic out of the entire group. She switches between her usual personality and her psychotic one numerous times throughout a single conversation. Her weapon is a Chainsaw. She has shoulder-length white hair and pink eyes (she's an albino). She is good at hiding and axe crazy, with a well-known slasher smile.
Quote: "Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her mother forty whacks. And when she saw just what she'd done, she gave her father forty-one."

Name: Jason Bailey
Description: A loud and boisterous boy to most (including teachers) and known for getting into trouble because of this, he is actually observing what everyone does and twists the situation to his advantage whenever possible. He hates blood. His weapon is a BB Sniper Rifle. He is tall and has brown eyes and brown hair. He is not much of a threat to the others, but is able to trick others into thinking he won't betray them.
Quote: [Megan has just survived an explosion.] “Why won't you just stay dead!?"

Name: Heather Hunter
Description: A shy girl with a goofy and eccentric sense of humour, she is always out to help her friends. She hates fighting, but will try when she has to, although she is not very strong. Her weapon is an M9 Army Knife. She has mid-back length blonde hair and blue eyes. She is good at medical care and hiding, and plans to work in a group with the others to escape, although most of the group disagree with her views and work on their own. She even joins up with Lizzie at some point.
Quote: "All I want is to go home. I want everyone to be able to go home and forget about this."

Name: Emily O'Brian
Description: A cheerful and optimistic girl that dresses in a punkish style to purposefully annoy the teachers. She isn't much of a fighter, but will defend people in trouble and has a strong sense of justice. Her weapon is a Crossbow. She has upper-back length blonde hair and green eyes. She is good at spying and also believes that everyone should work in a group to escape.
Quote: "You know, I'm really starting to hate Mondays."

Name: Ryan Knight (Skald)
Description: The eldest of the group and the most mature, he is always making sure the others are okay. He isn't much of a fighter, but prefers to disturb people and make them go crazy (nah, he couldn't do that without getting caught, but that's what traps are for). He is also insane, with a tendency to laugh when the others are trying to escape from one of his traps (unlike the actual Alex, who is simply mad). His weapon is a Straight Razor. He has short brown hair and brown eyes.
Quote[Caitlin has just killed someone.] “I had no idea she could do that."

Name: Megan Daniels (Bear)
Description: The second oldest of the group, but one of the least mature. She appears to also be slightly axe-crazy, brutally killing someone on the spot when she gets the chance. Her weapon is a Small Farming Scythe. She has shoulder-length black hair and hazel eyes.
Quote: "If you don't mind having your legs ripped off, then by all means try and kill me."

Name: Olivia Bickham
Description: A laid back, rebellious teenager that acts as an older sister to most of the group, she is more of a pacifist and sits back to watch the others fight without really doing anything. Her weapon is a Broad-Bladed Kitchen Knife. She has short, dyed blue hair and green eyes.
Quote: "I should leave soon. Far too many people have died here, maggots*referring to students* are going to come."

Name: Taylor Harker
Description: A goofy, carefree person who’s always out for a good laugh, she has a bad temper, but usually has good intentions. Instead of fighting, she sets up traps instead to avoid running into others. Her weapon is a Rifle. She has long red hair and brown eyes. She is only a threat to others because of her traps and she is always able to escape from others.
Quote[While talking about Lizzie.] “She won't die. Not even when you kill her."

Name: Connor Dey
Description: A typical if perverted teenager who is dating Caitlin. He often gets yelled at by the girls because of the way he acts, although he brushes it off most of the time. He is a bit of a coward and hates fighting. His weapon is a Butter Knife. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is often mistaken for being a girl.
Quote: "What the hell is she!? The Terminator!?"

Name: Amy Kincaid
Description: A seldom and straight-A girl in school, she was recently transferred from England. She uses British humour most of the time and gets along well with everyone. She tries to avoid the fights with the others by carefully making her way away from previous fighting areas and instead focuses on getting enough food. Her weapon is Handgun. She has upper-back length blonde hair and brown eyes.
Quote: "I think her friend just spotted me. Did she?" [Shots are fired in her general direction.] "Yes she did!"

Name: Caitlin Blake
Description: An eccentric but cheerful girl who is dating Connor. During the story, she still appears cheerful to the point of insanity. She doesn't fight much, but when she does, she gets violent. Her weapon is a Hatchet. She has chin-length black hair and blue eyes. She's best at sneaking up on people.
Quote: "Oh my, I got blood all over my new shirt."

Name: Timothy 'Tim' Turpin (Professor Pisces)
Description: A narcissistic but incredibly intelligent individual, he spends most of his time in the library or at home when he isn't at school. In the story, he starts to become calculative, using people's fears against them to get what he wants. His weapons are three Hand Grenades. He has curly blonde hair and green eyes. His best skill is using people to his advantage.
Quote: “If you’re going to try and kill me, at least be smart about it.”

Michael took one look at the city landscape and let out a low whistle.

"Jesus Christ, this one sure was violent." There were fifty students placed inside a large city and already he could see the corpse of one of the students lying on the ground, their head split open and blood running down the path. (It was suicide, apparently.) It was difficult to tell from such a distance, but it looked like a girl.

Nick collected a ring from one of the bodies and shoved it in the black bin bag. People would pay a lot for gold rings.

"Better hurry up, Mike; when it's night they'll get rid of all the goods." Michael sighed and turned away from the view. The remaining member of the team - Jack - looked at them in disgust.

"What happened to you guys? Don't you feel bad about taking stuff off dead bodies?" He refused to touch any one of them. Nick and Michael stared at each other until Michael finally gave in and decided to tell Jack what happened.

"They're the people that lost the Game." Jack looked at Michael, puzzled. Michael found it strange; it was common knowledge to know about the Game. He took a seat next to Jack and took out a cigarette, only to realize that he had left his lighter at home.

"Basically, fifty students from either the same school or two different schools are selected to take part in the Game. In the Game, each student is given a weapon and they have to go around killing one another until only one survivor remains. That person is deemed the winner."

"B-but why would the government let that happen? Surely this is illegal." Michael watched Nick clip off the index finger of a dead blonde girl to get at her ring. He gave it a look and shoved it into his bag.

"You would think so, but the person that runs the company that does this is also the son of the President."

Jack flushed with anger. "That's no excuse! Just because he's the son of the President doesn't mean he should be allowed to order a bunch of teenagers to kill each other..."

Michael hushed him, looking around, worried. "That's just the way it is. It also helps cut down problems like crime among young adults and such. To be honest..." he leaned forward, so he couldn't be seen by any of the cameras, which he was certain were still on air. "... I think he does it simply because he can."

Jack bolted up and glowered at Michael as though it was his fault.

"Don't go giving me the evils, kiddo. That's just the way it works. The rich lead, and we follow. Now..." he stood up and shoved the cigarette into his pocket, lifting his bag over his shoulder. "... If you want to feed your family, I recommend you get to work now."

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