Saturday 31 March 2012

Alice Human Sacrifice - Bloody Red, Part Three

The finale of 'Bloody Red'!

*          *          *

The Rabbit observed Alice Number One from a distance as she struggled to find out who she could trust, and who might be the Rabbit in disguise. The Rabbit, for some strange reason, found it absolutely hilarious.

The Rabbit had always known that Alice Number One was paranoid, but this seemed to be a whole new level for her. A single threat from the Rabbit sent her around executing everyone she didn't wholely trust.

The Rabbit grew bored of the colour red, and decided to relieve Alice Number One of her paranoia.

*          *          *

They were all on his side. Of course they were! This was not her world; it was his. He had said that from the very start! And now he was going to get rid of her. She would be forced back into that damned prison cell to be force fed by that fat lard of a doctor and mocked by those parasitic reporters! She did not mean to kill that boy. She was just having a little fun. Everyone else was doing it, so why did it have to happen to her?

Alice knew she had to get out of the castle. He would be expecting her there. Well, she would not let him get her so easily. She would defeat him. She would not go back to her previous life ever again.

She snuck out the back door, just in case. Alice was dressed in a red hooded cape and her old clothes from before. Her sword was held at her side. Quietly, she made her way into the forest.

Before Alice knew it, she was lost. She had come here numerous times for the executions, but she did not recognise this place in the slightest. She must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.

Alice noticed something out of the corner of her eye and turned, unsheathing her sword. It was just a deer. Alice relaxed and started to sheath her sword again.

"Hi there, Alice. I found you." Alice let out a scream and turned around, sword ready to kill. There he was, all smiles and giggles.

"What are you doing here?" She said, struggling to bite back her stutter. The boy's smile widened.

"I live here, silly." Something about the way he said it sounded sinister.

"W-well how come I've never seen you here before?" The boy was silent, still smiling. "Answer the damn question!"

The boy burst out laughing, the laughter echoed all around the forest. The animals that were once hiding scattered. Then he stopped.

"What's to say you have not seen me, Alice?" Alice flinched as he came closer. "You see, I've been keeping an eye on you since you came here, Alice." He hopped on one foot and came closer to Alice. Alice took a step back. "I must say it was rather... interesting to watch. I never thought you would be this violent." He began to giggle again, which set Alice on edge. "Then again, who would? One must keep up appearances in public, she said!" He suddenly stopped smiling. "I've forgotten who 'she' was." He turned his eyes on Alice. "Hey, do you know?"

Alice started to back away. There was a look in his eyes that terrified her. He had lost it. She had to get away; as far away as possible. She turned and ran.

"Oh my, how rude. Leaving in the middle of a conversation."

Vines tugged and pulled at her hair and clothes, tearing at her clothes and skin. She was sure she could hear footsteps behind her, but she did not want to think about that. She wanted out. She wanted to get out of this nightmare.

Alice tripped over a rotting log and stumbled to the ground. Her bun came loose and her hair spread out like an ocean of red. She sat back up and wiped away her tears; why did she have to act like a baby now?

She heard voices; whispers. They were mocking her. They were the voices of those damn children from her school!

"I heard her mother was in a relationship with one of the teachers."

"What? You don’t mean Mr. Carter, do you?"

"Eww, gross! She must be desperate!" Alice closed her eyes shut and covered her ears.

"Shut up! It isn't true! Mother would never do that!"Alice felt someone remove her hands.

"But you know she did," whispered the boys voice. "After all, you saw it."

*          *          *
The memories came back to her. She did not mean to interrupt, but her brother was sick and she did not know what to do. She opened her mother's bedroom door.

"Mama, Lucas isn't looking very well and-" She was cut off by what she saw. Her teacher, Mr. Carter, was on top of her mother. Completely naked. Alice was frozen to the spot.

Mr. Carter got up and walked up to her, not caring for his nakedness.

"Oh my, what are you doing up so late?" Her mother lifted the sheets up to cover herself.

"What will we do? She'll tell my husband!" Mr. Carter turned to her mother and smiled.

"The things I'll do for love." He pushed Alice down the stairs. She fell.

Alice let out a cry of pain as she was forced out of her memories. That was impossible! That was just an accident! The doctor had said so himself!

"Oh. So that's what happened." Alice turned around and instead of the boy being there, it was Mr. Carter. Still unable to stand, Alice began to shuffle back. "I bet that really hurt, Alice. Falling from such a great height and cracking your skull. It was only natural that you lost your memories of the incident, but that didn't stop your father from finding out, did it?"

"S-stay away from me."

Mr. Carter began to walk up to her. "I broke off the affair soon after, didn't I? Your mother was starting to look rather old ,and I always preferred fresh flowers." He leaned forward. "You, on the other hand, have grown into a fine young woman."

"Stay away from me!" The ground beneath Alice crumbled and she fell.

The Rabbit looked down at the cliff where Alice Number One's body was: Tied among the hanging vines with a broken neck. Maybe that was a bit mean; bringing back her memories.

"What a mess she left Wonderland in. Now I'm going to have to build a new Royal Family for the next Alice." The Rabbit turned on its feels and made its way back to the palace, singing. "The first ALICE was a gallant red one..."

JUNE 23rd, 1913: Alice Riddell attempted to escape Greenhill Prison through the forest, and fell off a cliff. She broke her neck and died soon after. Her funeral shall be on June 30th at 4:00pm. Friends and family only.

 *          *          *

And that, my good friends, is the end of the First Alice. The last bit just came up at the last moment while I thought of what to do. Rather morbid, no?


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