Tuesday 6 March 2012

Why I Hate Maths

Why am I the only one actually writing on here?
   Anyway, Maths exams suck. It especially sucks when a person younger than you is stating that you need to revise more and telling you that you need Maths to get into university.
   I know I suck at it. No matter how much I revise, I can't remember what I've learned two hours later. For example, today I revised throughout registration (before the fire alarm went off and made us all go out in the killer fog, which never seems to leave the field). I would have revised more had Maths not been the first lesson I had.
   It's also annoying as heck when the website you have been told to use to revise from realises this is an important exam, and therefore refuses to let you revise, thus giving you the idea that it wants you to fail.
   Well, I don't care. There were no qualifications on the career I needed (nor the university) that said anything about Maths; I'm fine with English.
   What was this post about? It was me complaining (as always) about work. Since this is so short, I'm going to stick up a pretty picture I drew.
That is all.

Signing off!

Note from The Editor: Though technically, the angry person should be saying 'It involves effort' instead. Just saying.

Note from Rinrei: Yeah, I thought that too, but by then it was already posted on every website where I posted my art and the troll hasn't criticized it yet so I'm in the clear for now. 

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