Tuesday 13 March 2012

Sleep, and Why You Need It.

Hello, my fellow soldiers in arms! This is Rinrei once more.
   As you will recall, I have to work to reach 150 words each day, which is surprisingly easy when you've been posting stories for as long as I.
   Anyway, as you can probably tell from the title, this is about why you need to sleep. It may or may not be dull depending on how well my brain is working due to a lack of sleep then a sudden day where all I did was sleep.
   I have been waking up at about one in the morning, every day, for the past three years. This is natural, since I am a teenager and have been freaking out over exams, but I may also be a vampire. I have the complexion and attitude of your average deranged vampire, ergo I am a vampire. That, and I like blood.
   Anyway, my fellow human idiots (Skald and Pisces) started to notice the black rings around my eyes getting darker and darker until I looked like L.

This is L, for those of you that didn't know. If I was male and had black hair, I'd probably look as ill as him.
   It got to the point where I dropped daisies into a bowl and drank it, calling it 'lovely tea' (not literally, but I almost did that).
   Finally, the day came where I could not even get out of bed. I just lay there, reaching for the alarm clock, unable to move my legs because they were too weak. That day was today.
   After dragging myself up the stairs with only my arms to help me move, I got to my mother's room and stated that I was unable to go to school that day because I would never survive the stairs (the most dangerous part of the school, where you are attacked from all sides with weapons of mass destruction and violent children armed with grenades and bullets; you have to be very skilled and lucky to get past them).
   I pushed myself down the stairs (adding another crack to my multiple childhood injuries), and pulled myself back into bed to sleep. And boy, did I sleep! I slept for the entire day and I only just woke up recently.
   When I got to the mirror, a miracle occurred. The bags which had been there for many years were completely gone. My illness had been cured. I celebrated with ice cream and a glass of coke before returning here to the computer to type up this dull-as-heck post, but hey, I have 150 words so that's fine by me.
   Now for some pointless advertising for Ms. Happy, who is doing an Invader Zim web-comic and whom I feel the obligation to support. This is her current crisis:

Due to budget cuts, we have fired the hobo who carves headstones out of boulders with a spoon and replaced him with a battle monkey. Similarly, since the monkey has no clue how to make headstones, we have taken the liberty of cloning my headstone with the same process of cloning sheep.

Also, the regular gardener unfortunately tripped and fell down 99 flights of stairs and is currently recovering from massive stair-trauma. So, we tried to finish the job of laying the grass ourselves but decided against it and hired Scooby-Doo to tape down a few stalks of fake grass we stole from the head CEO's lawn.

   So yeah, support her. Here's her website. http://zim.snafu-comics.com/

Signing off!

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