Thursday 1 March 2012

March 2012 Update

Whistle, whistle, whistle, it's that time again and I therefore must write the monthly review of the... er... month. Ahem.
   You probably don't want to see the statistics. Instead, let me just fill you in on what's been happening.
   We're very pleased to take on a sixth new author, the aptly named 'Bill'. He isn't really an old man, although the general old-manliness of him makes everyone cringe. That's probably why he's listed under 'old men' in the local phonebook. So anyway, Bill's in charge of writing rants (fairly similar to good ol' Rinrei's Rants, except less angry and more video-game oriented) and video games reviews, which he will be getting around to doing soon enough. (That's not a hopeful tone in my voice. It's a command. Consider it your personal Eleventh Commandment, Bill.) However, he's only been up and running a grand total of two days at the time of publishing, so we'll have to wait and see how things are shaping up.
   Of course, you'd probably love to know what's been happening in amongst everyone else. The answer? NOTHING. Matt's been unusally silent ever since getting a laptop - a paradox, I'm aware - and Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers has all but finished her exams, as has Rinrei. (Evil has also gained a new nickname: EMoC. Courtesy of The Eternal Editor, I believe. was that last month that he came up with it? Ach, I don't know.) And of course, The Editor's been bored stiff with nothing to do. Not, of course, that it occurred to him to actually type up something original, or, for that fact, copy something from elsewhere to claim for his own. Tch. Of course, during this slothful period, I was off in the Bahamas, watching reptiles warm their blood and sipping cold beverages with little umbrellas in them. That means I'm exempt from the above criticisms.
   Outside of the blog, it was also EMoC's birthday last month, elevating her to the wonderful position of most-recently-turned-a-year-older in the blog. This, however, is probably not that important an achievement. We age anually. She'd have been beaten the very next second, I'll bet.
   Aside from that terrible lazy period of which we are ALL accused of (but I was in the Bahamas, so I have an excuse), nothing particular's been going on in the shortest month of the year (even with that extra Leap Year Day, it's still oh so short). Except that I created a new site, specifically devoted to my writing. No reviews, insights or weird funny paragraphs about cuttlefish will be appearing on this new blog. Instead, expect stories, ideas, solutions to Writer's Block and short polls to do with what I should write about next. Novelling... Yum...

Happy March, folks. Watch out for the Ides of March, which undoubtedly move against some sort of Roman emperor.

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