Saturday 31 March 2012

April 2012 Update

Another month gone. Woot.
Well, this month, a war broke out. It's my fault really, but I don't regret starting it up in the slightest. Yes, that's right, I'm speaking of War 250, that little-known battle between the authors of the Kettle for the 250th post on the blog.

The reason for my causing this 'war' (despite it being but a small competition, really) is because everybody needed just a little bit of motivation to post. We, as a blog, were publishing catastrophically few posts, and it was bugging me. So I enacted Protocal 8494 - The 'The Xth Post Wins A Prize' Possibility. In this case, the Xth post is the 250th. And it seems that Protocol 8494 works - we've had greatly increased productivity ever since it was started.

Not long after announcing this little battle of the authors, Rinrei declared war on everyone. Since then, she's been quite active. Nearly as active as myself, as I'm taking part too - well, I don't really want anyone else to get the prze I'm proffering, do I? Past that, Bill is simply uninterested, Matt knows me too well and so doesn't care for taking part in the competition - he simply knows that I'll win, The Eternal Editor decided he would formulate a plan that basically means he wins any way possible, and EMoC has obstinately refused to post anything until the 249th post is published. And that's just cheating.

So, at the time of my writing this, we're at 232 posts, including this one, of course. This means we have less than twenty posts to write. Now, I've been crunching some numbers. These numbers happen to be quite relevant. I've taken the approximate number of days that the blog's been active for and divided it into the number of posts to date, which gives us the number 1.28888888..., rounded to 1.3. This means that the blog churns out approximately 1.3 posts per day. Which, if you factor into several different calculations, gives you the possible finishing date for War 250 as...

April 14th.

So, get posting, authors! I'm sure at least someone can make it. And Editor, no deleting posts. It's simply not nice. (Note from The Editor: Aw...) So, that said, the authors may all pitch in.
*          *          *
So, warring aside, what's been happening this month? Not much. However, I, Pisces, have been building up a truckload of possibilities for Script Frenzy. That's what's happening this April: Script Frenzy. Click the link. It'll take you to the Screnzy 'About' page. that saves my explaining it to you all.

Apart from that, there is no concrete plan for the coming month. As per usual, time is fluid until experienced... Then it's solid and may not be changed.

Anyway, good April to you all.

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