Tuesday 7 August 2012

All of Everything in the Entire Universe

Today I found out it was Matt's birthday - not through the blog nor his sister. Instead, I learnt it through DeviantART.

I was casually checking out some awesome art (seriously, those people are god) when I got a notice saying that it was Matt's birthday today (in that case, one day).

Naturally, I decided to give him a lovely present that would suit him perfectly (and was free). What I gave him was a llama. No ordinary llama, either. An albino llama.

Of course Matt, being the kind person he is, tossed another llama back at me. We started a war of llama tossing. Except we didn't. DeviantART had enough of those wars going that they watched any llama battles really carefully to make sure it didn't last more than twelve seconds.

Considering this fact, I will now throw a super llama at you.

Happy Birthday, Matt!

P.S: Rinrei is awesome.

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