Tuesday 7 August 2012

The Meaning of Life and Why It's Just Too Damn Silly

Throughout your life, you'll be asked a very specific question by a handful of assorted people. That question is "What is the meaning of life." Most will answer with a strong argument backed up with evidence. Whereas I like to come up with a different answer everytime I get asked. Pisces, I'm writing this very late and I'm bushed, I'll finish up in the morning.

N.B. While I understand this, I'm on holiday and in no position to tell you anything, but I wish this complete.

Note from The Editor: Seeing as this will actually never be completed - ever - it is up to me to tell you what the meaning of life is.
   Life is an unusual thing, and therefore has an unusual meaning. The meaning? Simple: Worship The Editor.
   There, you have it. Now go on. Shower me with ultimate praise.

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