Sunday 5 August 2012

August 2012 Update

July hasn't been the most fandabble-e-doo of months, but I see an upside in sight! It is now August, and we all know what that means.

Yup, it's August.

August holds surprises galore in store for the various Kettlers here. For example, some shall be getting exam results on the 7th. Calendar: marked. People return to school later on, having realised that perhaps education hasn't been cut from the curriculum by MPs just yet. And of course there's the wondrous month that we all know and love: NaNoWriMo.

The original NaNoWriMo occurs in November and is jokingly referred to as 'big NaNo', though the target's the same: Write 50,000 words as a novel in 30/31 days. It's enormous fun. Some months are designated 'Camp NaNoWriMo', which is just a diluted version with the same goal. And here I am, deciding that perhaps November isn't the time to do NaNo this year. No, August must suffice.

Unfortunately I've started three days late and am presently 6,500 words down, but a day can change everything. If only I weren't busy today. Hm.

Asides from WriMo, this month should be millpond-like. But don't go thinking that it'll be boring. Not at all. After all, when is the Kettle ever truly boring? When The Eternal Editor's round for tea.

Kind regards for August,

1 comment:

Rinrei said...

And you have tricked me into this new NaNoWriMo even though I have so much homework I am yet to complete (flips universe and staples it down)I will write it whenever I can be bothered.