Friday 3 August 2012

What is this, I don't even-

As of right now, I am currently in an unknown area in Wales where my dad lives hiding from all military personel. Except he isn't.

Salutations, you unusual entities, I've just travelled all the way from Scotland to Wales in a matter of two days with a break in Leeds (where I met a dog that is so small he can't get up the stairs [this is a real fact, I had to pick him up to help him]).

Now I am in a town that I have never been to and tomorrow I am heading into said town to have a hot breakfast because we have no food. Typical of us.

Why am I talking about this? I have no idea, I just am. Truth is, I'm going straight into town tomorrow because I want to see if there are any creepy graveyards or haunted places.

I'm also going for inspiration. Today I had one of those spur of the moment thoughts where I questioned whether I could do something and the more I thought about it, the more likely it seemed I could do it.

In this case, I thought: Hmm, I think the anime was rubbish compared to the manga, I wonder what a live-action version of Kuroshitsuji would look like. Instantly I began thinking of my friends in roles know, that's how I work. I already know that people won't do it because, I mean come on, who wants to go back to Victorian London with Jack the Ripper, Death reapers and evil circus's...actually, I think I'm going to start writing stuff down right now!

Signing off with little to no sanity!


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