Friday 17 August 2012

I'm Completely Insane! (That is all.)

Today I had one of those 'WTF' moments as I went on DeviantART. Rinrei here, by the way.

The day before, I decided that I was feeling particularly crazy while typing stuff on my computer in the middle of the night. This single thought went buzzing through my head as I was searching DeviantART. This thought remained in my head until I was forced to type it up. I was given no choice but to leave my thoughts to the mercy of the crowd.

This idea, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, was to create a live action series of Yuu yuu Hakusho (Spirit Detective). I'm not really sure why I thought of it, but either way, I got a response. Actually, I got a lot of responses.

This morning, I decided to accept my failure and went on to see if anyone actually cared about the idea to get a swarm of "Do it!" and "This will be epic!". For a moment, my heart stopped (and I fell to the ground and died). These people wanted me to do something that a movie producer usually fails at. Naturally, I was pleased.

Until reality decided to kick in and say:

"You know hardly anyone and most of the cast are males, don't you forget. Besides, it's not like people would actually be interested in taking part in this for you. I mean, live action, seriously? Do you know nothing about the world? Then think about the money. How many places would you have to pay to go into and how much money would the costumes and make-up cost? And the wigs? Most of the cast have weird hair colours anyway. How would you manage to pull off Botan flying in the sky and Yusuke being a ghost? Answer me this."

Yes, reality is a real jerk. I kicked him over a cliff, so that's one problem solved, but the main problem is still at hand. I'm saving up money as we speak and hunting down good locations. Sure, there aren't very many people I know, but my family is massive, so I'm sure to meet someone that can pull off the role at one point, surely?

Yes, I am going through with this. My sanity was burned and buried long ago and I'm already asking people if they would like to take part. Oh my, this might end badly.

Gold fish!

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