Thursday 16 August 2012

That is to say...

Hello. This is Matt. Most of you have probably forgotten me and those of you who haven't probably weren't around to begin with. Sorry for taking so long; I've been caught up in a lot of shut up I don't have an excuse lately which severely impacts the time I can spend doing much of anything at all. I'm lying. Don't listen to a word I say; I've had plenty of time. Everyone should be playing the Binding of Isaac.
     Age. Epoch. Period. Era. Eon. SUPEREON! Sorry dinosaur fans; palaeozoic is the best. Care to disagree? You're wrong. Why?
Hey, kids! It's the squid fairy!
     Goodbye children. I may or may not post something of substanceat anypoint in the future. But for now, accept your demon flatfish and I bid you farewell. Ish.

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