Tuesday 28 August 2012

Curtain Call Coming Close...

NaNo's in its final stages: I have three full days left in which to write 9,000 words. That means that I'll have to write over 3,000 words a day on average to level with NaNo.

This is somewhat easier than you might think - especially when you're following a particular plot, theme or story of some sort. the thing is, once you get into it, it's pretty easy to write, write, write until a stairway to heaven appears or somebody saves your work and then tells you that "You have to get on with some other work now, Pisces, or you'll die a slow death of Word Poisoning." To which I say: Pah, I'll die sometime.

It became apparent to me several days ago that there's a real difference between saying that you'll write 2,500 words and actually doing it. When you think 'two thousand five hundred words', you (as a writer) think: OK, that's a pretty big number, but I can do it. But then you realise, when you put pen to paper, that it's a statistic. And statistics never truly embody reality.

So, I have 9,000 words to write in three days. Lovely. It's a statistic though, and that means that the reality is probably much different to whatever you're imagining right now. Unless, of course, you are a writer. In which case you should know what I'm banging on about by now. Please tell me if you understood that. Jane, perhaps? Are you enlightened? Bill? Matt? Evil, even (despite the fact that you only write when required)?

Maybe I'm going insane, but it's in the job description.

I have near enough 10,000 words to write. I must FLY...
   Pisces out.
      Flap, flap, flap...


Rinrei said...

Who's Jane?

Professor Pisces said...

Muhhahahahaha... You'll never know. Unless, of course, you look at the followers list.

Unknown said...

I understand and have to do almost the same thing 10,000 in two days. And these are two last days before school starts...

Rinrei said...

And now I know who she is!