Monday 30 July 2012

Why Family Holidays Can Be a Pain

So I've just came back from a big holiday in France. It was nice and all, except from a very major ordeal that I can't be bothered talking about. But I realised, holidays can also come at a price.

As some of you may know, I'm an avid Internet user. Browsing the wonders of the Internet, enjoying new memes, talking to friends, blogging, etc. These are all things I enjoy at my leisure, but some involve responsibility. And with responsibility, comes reputation, which we need to keep.

Don't get me wrong, I had an Internet connection there. I had to pay 30 Euros and it only worked for one device, but it worked. The problem being, I had to use an iOS device which decreases the amount of things you can do on the Internet. All of which I have some sort of responsibility with. So now, I have one hell of an amount of catching up to do, so please expect more posts. Much more posts. Although I'm afraid, I'm giving up on this post.

Bye bye,

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