Tuesday 17 July 2012

Fantasy Writing Guide?

Well, I was off typing up some guides for idiotic fanfiction writers (because that's what I do best) while listening to 'Castle in the Sky' from the movie 'Castle in the Sky' (how creative) when I paused to think about Japanese fantasy stories.

This is a typical thought for me, considering that I think about fantasy stories from all of everywhere in the entire universe (a reference no one will get), but today I had no reason for that thought (except for the music), so I stopped mid-type and thought: What makes a good fantasy story?

I ranted to myself about this under the influence of coffee I had not yet boiled and decided that dragons are almost always involved. This is mainly because dragons are awesome, but that's not the point. I decided, after having a nice long argument with myself (my inner psychologist doesn't approve of this, but I locked her in the cellar I don't have), I decided I would read more fantasy stories and then put up a guide on How NOT to Write a Fantasy Story.

I do that. The moment I think about a specific genre, I write a guide to stop me writing a story. Mainly because I have too many ideas and I'd blow up the universe with my ideas. I would. You have no idea how many characters, plot lines and universes in general I have running through my mind this exact moment.

In the end, if I was to write out the ideas in my head, I'd end up filling over 9000 computers with text and images. That's how bad it is. So screw stories when I have guides to write. I'm already practicing my skills, so I have time to write another guide.

Off to capture some dragons for experimentation on how they manage to fly without dropping due to their massive, muscular bodies! (Seriously, have you seen those burgers?!)

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