Thursday 12 July 2012

Lemon Fingers

You know what's really annoying? Having lemon juice-coated fingers.

It's irritating when, in restaurants, the chef gives you a too-thick slice of lemon to squeeze over your fish. It means that you end up getting citrus flesh and zest under your fingernails, and that's just not nice. Especially when you eat a chocolate bar later on using those same fingers.

There are no pros to having lemony digits, only cons. For a start, the above. When you eat something with your hands later (e.g. crisps, other fruit, food of a finger-ish nature) it has a sour tang. That isn't nice when you're eating something that really shouldn't be sour.

Secondly, if you rub your eye because perhaps you have new contact lenses or some sort of hayfever (this time in the year? Get that checked), you suddenly realise that it's not such a good idea as your eyeball catches fire. Trust me when I say that it's not nice. And then your eye is smarting for ten minutes in an effort to put out the fire in your eye jelly, and that is also not cool. Especially when you're trying to watch a film and people think you're crying. That's not good, especially when the film is something like Spiderman.

Thirdly, it makes your fingers sticky. Sticky fingers just aren't good. It makes everything you touch sticky and it's impossible to clean off without some form of really, really strong cleaner. And that's not great either, because it stinks and is poisonous. When you have a dog that eats door handles, that isn't good.

Thank goodness I didn't get lemony fingers at dinner. (Well, I didn't say that I have new contacts, have seen Spiderman, or have a dog that eats doorhandles, now did I?)

Pisces out.

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