Thursday 12 July 2012

Battle Music!

Well, I decided that today I would do all the things I slacked off on. Now, this was a big list of things. Allow me to elaborate:
  • Finish a digital comic page of 'Future Talk' (on the next page)
  • Finish an entire page of 'Story of the Century' (about to be coloured)
  • Redo drafts of Tarrow and... the other guy (Tarrow is done, Gish is next)
  • Do roughly seven detailed drawings for Skald's 'The Pyromancer's Revenge' (two pictures done, third in progress)
  • Edit out an entire chapter of Billy's story (done)
  • Start work on the next chapter of 'Abide in the Wind' (le complete)
  • Next chapter of 'How not to write a Kuroshitsuji Fan-fiction' (done)
As you can tell, this is a big list. Of course, I'm an idiot so I thought I could handle it all. Oh boy, was I in for a lot.

Naturally, being as stubborn as I am, I pursued this task and you know what helped me get through it? Background music. I played as many battle songs as I could on a stereo I found in my mum's room and rampaged through all my work.

Of course, I'm not finished, but I sure am getting a lot of work done by my usual standards. It just goes to show that battle music helps you complete any task.

Signing off while the music is still going!

N.B. The other guy's name is Gish. Gish, I say!
    Professor out.

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