Sunday 29 July 2012

The Computer is Evil

This week I decided to focus more specifically on my comics (which required extreme detail in some cases) and the scanlations I swore I would get finished.

By the end of the week I had finished this and was looking forward to completing the pages on my handy-dandy computer. But before I could do that, I would have to scan them in.

Let me tell you a little bit about my 'beloved' scanner. It's an old thing that practically runs on steam, it's so old. This scanner has a large plug that can't fit any of the computers in our house (Oops, that sounds wrong), so we used a specifically old computer that runs on coal that was made in the 1990s. That's where our story begins.

So, like I do every Sunday morning, I woke up incredibly early to finish off any remaining details needed in my pages before scanning and plugged in my ancient extra computer and pressed the button.

Nothing happened. I did it again. Still nothing happened. After a good ten minutes of not being able to comprehend this, I called out to my mum saying the computer wasn't working.

She pressed the button. Nothing happened. Unlike me, though, she disconnected the computer and re-connected it again and realised that a fuse had gone. Then we found out just how old the computer was and decided to look for another computer to use the scanner on.

I went storming up to my brother and commanded I use his computer to find out he had no socket for the scanner. My mum suggested we take photos of the pages when I began ranting about the details being lost and the such.

So we sat there for a good hour when my mum got a call from her friend about fixing her car and she used this marvellous opportunity to go to the computer store and get us a new scanner. Or a new computer that can withstand a scanner and Minecraft. I'm not sure. Hopefully, I'll still reach the deadlines by today...

Either way, fate is evil and opportunistic and will use every case it gets to make sure you are ruined by the end of the week. Never trust fate. Fate will stab you in the back.

Signing off!

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