Monday 2 July 2012

A Shout-Out for my Uncle

Yesterday was my Uncle Tom's birthday, which is something to celebrate in itself. But this was no ordinary birthday. No, no. This was his 50th birthday. Or, as my brother put it, his 29th anniversary of his 21st birthday.

Anywho, considering the fact that it was his 50th birthday and he was an official granddad (well, his daughter does have a child now...), we decided to give him a surprise party. Yes, we reverted to our childhood years in which we would attempt to surprise the birthday boy with a horrible excuse for a birthday party and most of the time the kiddo already knew there was a party.

Fortunately, the Malcolm family are ninjas so he expected nothing. It wasn't until he got to the dimly lit room  (which my brother and I came to the conclusion was a meeting place for vampires, especially with that window that opened up to a wall) and he saw us trying to catch his grandson who was trying to make a grand escape through to the pool room by smacking his head against the door. As you can tell, he's related to me.

Tom, unlike me, didn't fall to the ground and die upon realizing this was a surprise party for him. I must say, I feel quite proud about having him as an uncle, not just because of the fact he didn't spontaneously die on us, although that is one reason for it, but because he's generally a great man with an awesome sense of humour (far better than moi) and I can, without hesitation, point and him and scream: IT'S BEEN IN THE ARMSTRONG FAMILY FOR GENERATIONS! Even though he has no part in the Armstrong family. He's an awesome guy and although his memory and sense of direction are as bad as mine, I can happily say I can rely on him.

So, Uncle Tom, if you're reading this; this is your crazy niece of whom almost killed you with that hug yesterday saying: You're half a century old, make sure to cause riots in the nursing home!

Signing off!

P.S. Did I mention what I got the scampi in? My inner dweeb demanded I shove it into mum's bag and take it home, but her bag was too small...
Yes, I actually got it in one of these.
P.S.S. I also met a man called Paul with an Irish accent that preformed magic tricks for everyone. I think he's a leprechaun. Either way, if there is a person in my family with an Irish accent, I'm happy.

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