Wednesday 4 July 2012

Writing to Maintain Sanity

Let it not be said that I have no sanity and that I be insane, for true it is not. There are times when my senses take leave of me and escape to some dark corner of the ethereal, but never before has it resulted in anything unnecessarily strange. But what is the secret to my sanity, you may ask, when I am much renowned for thinking some rather insane thoughts? Allow me to inform you.

I am well known amongst those who know me for my incessant writing. I even write upon the tables at times, and in the air when the fancy seizes me. I am perhaps less known for what I do write - fiction, mostly, and strange fiction at that. The late HP Lovecraft was an author of what is known as 'Weird Fiction'. That was strange indeed, and I cannot hope to compare with this genius of his time. I'm not entirely sure as to why I brought him up; he is of little consequence.

Often I write some unusual stuff in which at least one character suffers some form of calamity or other, whether that be the loss of her fingers or her life. Both have occurred, the latter more so than the former. Often when I write, I write these strange things in an attempt to petrify them so that they flourish in my mind no longer - I write so that they may be trapped in paper and ink; in this way they may not break into reality. What I am saying is that I get rid of what's on my mind by putting it down on paper. Often the thing that bothers me is burned to the ground alongside the house in which I confined a particularly hateful character. This is how I deal with problems, quite often: immortalise their deaths in a... creative fashion, let us say. And it is one that may well bring me money one day.

So perhaps now you realise that I maintain my sanity quite carefully, and that blogs, scripts and novels such as those I am working upon now work to inhibit certain curiosities of the mind. Then again, perhaps you do not, and I have simply outlined that I am a dangerous individual - which I am not - and that I have an unstable personality, which is most likely untrue. I leave it to you to decide, but I know myself - I'm not insane. I think.

Well that was certainly creepy, insightful and perhaps scary. I'll be seeing you around. Maybe.


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