Wednesday 11 July 2012

Oh Yeah, Like A Boss!

I'm sorry, but I can no longer contain my excitement otherwise my body would explode (and I don't want blood on my screen). You know when I said I got a job as an online cleaner (and the Editor hinted at it being easy)? Yeah, that chapter that drove me to near madness is up now!

I cleaned that! I got rid of all the SFX, speech and even helped with the translations! You have no idea how proud I feel about having that chapter finally uploaded for all to see knowing that I actually helped create it.

I have the right to take pride in that! (Editor, if you say anything I will take this nail-file and lodge it into your eye.) Well, now I have a week to recover before I start working on the next chapter, but I must say, I take real pride in this and the experience was well worth it. I'm even using my new skills to help create better pages for my own work.

Well, with my sanity almost completely gone, I'm off to watch some Ghost Adventures. They also happen to be in a mental asylum.


EDIT: I've come to the conclusion that I am officially insane, as I've already started cleaning chapter three even though I'm supposed to be taking a break. Oh me...

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