Thursday 12 July 2012

Splitting Personalities

Well, I believe I have just gone officially insane.
You think?
He does, just not all that often. Less than he might like to, uh... OK, stalemated myself there.
Quiet. I'm trying to talk to folk. Pipe down; behave.
Unlikely. We're splinters of your consciousness; we aren't going to go away with a click of the-
*Click* You were saying?

Well, as I was trying to say before these two tried to take over my brain, I've just gone officially mad. It seems that my mind's split into two in a way comparable with mytosis. And then that segment has split, so now I'm left with three conscious beings living in the one head. Lovely.

Of course, the other two are just splinters of myself, as Italic-man up there put it. Therefore I have control of them and they're really just slight amplified parts of me that are somewhat smaller in power and influence. It's still annoying. It's like trying to control three-year-olds... Or perhaps be controlled by three-year-olds.

That's unfair. We're not three years old!
Technically speaking, we're as old as you are. We share your memories.
That's only technically speaking. Realistically speaking, you're around three weeks of age. That was when it pretty much started, no?
Yeah. I wonder what happened specifically three to four weeks ago that could have cause half your mind to go AWOL.
Shut up. That had nothing to do with it.
So the weird dreams about the fish have nothing to do with that?
Not in the slightest. I continue to tell you that I have no irrational fears of fish statues!
We are you. We know your fears. But yeah, you're right - fish statues isn't one of them. How about-

So, as you may be able to see, I have a problem. Two problems. And one of them has decided to embolden itself while the other has decided that italics are better. Wonderful. Now I can't use italics without shifting personalities. Isn't that a bummer?

Hey, brother - what would you do if I started talking gibberish?
You mean that you don't already do that?

On second thoughts - or rather first, second and third thoughts - maybe they'll self destruct before they have the chance to actually cage my mind. Time shall be really annoying, 'cos nothing's gonna get better.
I second that.

1 comment:

Rinrei said...

You haven't lost your mind, you're just arguing with yourself. I do it all the time. (She ain't lying about that one.) See. (Oh great, now he's going to think you're a nutjob or you're trying to impersonate his little act there.) Shut up.
[See what these two get up to.]