Friday 6 July 2012

Translator Job People!

Today I got a message from Webtoon Live in which I did one of the all-too-famous fan girl screams that I have never used before.

Webtoon Live is all about translating internet cartoons from all around the world and posting them so that people can read them in English (even though they do post English ones too). I should warn you now that people DO  get paid to draw certain Webtoons, so you can't go saying that translating them is stupid. (Note from Rinrei: In which I shall now burn the Editor's comment. Some people do actually get paid to write online. Just not us since Pisces is broke.) How could Professor Pisces have read 'Battle Royale' without it being translated? He understands no Japanese and has no intention of ever learning it. He would have never have gotten such a great book if it wasn't for the translator - well, that and Skald.

A lot of good books have been translated into English for us to read, and that's why the world needs translators.

Anyway, today I got an e-mail message from Webtoon Live, of which I am a proud member, saying that they would like me to be a translator and trimmer for any internet cartoons they passed onto me. Naturally, I collapsed on the ground with joy and ultimately died.

Since I am already dead, I came back to life and replied, without hesitation, that I would be happy to help. It just goes to show, if you're ambitious and incredibly ignorant of how annoying you can be (although I only messaged them once with the request so I wasn't really being annoying) you can get that job.

Well, with that out the way, time to practice my Korean.

을 받아들였다!

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