Friday 18 May 2012

Comparing People to 'Soul Eater' Characters

Originally I was going to post a rant, but Bill got me started on this again. By the way, Bill, I WANTED THE AXE!

Anyway, for those of you who don't know, Soul Eater is an Anime created by Atsushi (At SUSHI!) Okubo revolving around three teams trying to turn their weapons into Death Scythes. I recommend you watch it, especially if you want to really see someone go insane.

So, without further ado, let's start alphabetically. Naturally.

From what I have discovered, Bill is eccentric and unusual, but surprisingly reclusive when provoked or around strangers. He's also rather frightened of people like the Editor or I (well, we're insane). However, he is capable of attacking back even though the attacks are nothing but a bug bite when it comes to tough people. That's why he's Eruka Frog.

Although I doubt he looks like that.
Evil is currently dead due to spontaneous combustion. Even I haven't seen her. However, when she was alive, she had ninja skills. This is why she's Sid Barrett.
Yes, she's a blue zombie. Deal with it.

Matt is the weirdest of us all with a habit of acting goofy in appearance and manner. He usually has a sing-song voice. I'm not sure if he has foam hands that he uses to karate-chop people, but if he does, congratulations! He's unpredictable, switching from goofy and stupid to dangerous and violent within seconds. Not much more to say other than that. All I can really say is beware the silly ones.

"And I'm coming for you."
 Professor Pisces
Well, this is a difficult one. He has a big ego (I shall not deny this) and is incredibly smart (oh look, there goes his ego!). He prefers to make eccentric entrances rather than quiet ones and also has weird hair. That's why he's Black Star.
See, his hair is madness!

Oh boy, time for myself. I appear goofy and reckless with a habit of sounding annoying as heck, but I'm actually usually serious and prone to being irritated by lazy people. I try to work hard and sometimes study for so long that I drop unconscious from lack of sleep (or close to it). (Note from The Editor: That's called being tired.)  However, I also have a darker side, and I am prone to snap into bursts of insanity when pushed too far. I guess this makes me Maka from what I'm currently reading. Mainly because of crazy Maka than normal Maka. 
I've been told I look like her, but other than the hair I see nothing.

Also, here's crazy Maka so you know what I was just talking about:

The Eternal Editor
Ah, the strange creature known as The Eternal Editor. Not much is known about this guy, other than he enjoys dissecting our posts and is always serious. Beware of this guy, because he'll sneak up on you when you least expect it. I guess this makes him Dr. Stein due to his dissecting habit (of posts).

Ironically, that's how I see him. Just lurking in his room, waiting for posts to appear so that he can dissect them.
That's all! Signing off!

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