Saturday 26 May 2012

A Small Summary of the Future

Google Translate fog kapcsolni ezt a halandzsa, de engem nem érdekel többé. Csak egy kis figyelmeztetés a Kintore Nyári Fesztivál. Később megyek is meghirdet egy nagyon hosszú ... bejegyzést atömegpusztító okozott, hogy én ott, mert a lézer (ne adj egy lézer, még egy hamis 1), de most akkor csak kell rendezni a magyarfordítás.

Elmegyek, hogy megszegjék a törvényt!



(Tudnia kell, most már, hogy szeretem fordult angol nyelven a különböző ezen a ponton. Ez, és csinálom, hogy annak ellenére Matt.)

EDIT: I am too scared of the murderous intent in the living room to translate this. To summarize, Skald went missing and I had no way of calling home so I was three hours late. My mum is scarier than me when she's angry and when I got home she was so angry she smiled. When someone smiles when they're angry, you know you're in for hell. So here I am in my room waiting for my demise. Lord help me.

Translating General Madness Again with The Eternal Editor
Well, it's taken me a while but I'm getting around to translating this mangled message. As per usual, a translation paragraph by paragraph is what shall occur.

Google Translate will turn this gibberish, but I do not care anymore. Just a little warning in the Kintore Summer Festival. Later I also advertised for a very long time... e.g. caused devastating nuclear entry that I was there because of the laser (do not give me a laser, even a fake one), but now you just need to settle the Hungarian translation.

I disagree, Rinrei. It appears that Google Translate made partial sense of your gibberish, but alas, its grammar algorithms need some work. Go, Translate team, go! But 'devastating nuclear entry'? Really? I had to break up the word 'atömegpusztító' to get that far. I'm assuming it's to do with nuclear warfare, but that aside, I don't know.

Well, the show must go on whether Rinrei makes sense or not.

I'm going to break the law! Sign-off, Rinrei.

Yeah... Good luck with that.

(You should know now that I love the variety of English turned at this point. This and do that even though Matt.)

Okey dokey, now I'm fairly sure that she's hung up on Matt or something. Probably jealous of his status as Captain Weird But Not Wonderful, though I doubt that'll stay that way for long.

I'm done here. Enjoy whatever nuclear warfare Rinrei attempted to promise you.

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