Tuesday 29 May 2012

Exams are Over!

Rinrei here, not writing with capital letters because The Eternal Editor removed them!
Anyway, allow me to explain why I am happy. Either that or you can just read the title. I'll give you a moment to do that now and allow your brain to process it.

That's right, exams are officially over! This means many things for the blog. First, it means that I'll be working on here more often and have less excuses for lame posts about rubbish topics I hate. It also means that Evil will be back!

That's right, EMoC, you have to come back. You have no excuses anymore. Evil hasn't been on for almost three months, and hasn't even read anything on the blog, so she sure is in for a lot of trouble and/or ranting when she gets back on here and sees we've been comparing her to tiny creatures of little significance and claiming she is deceased (we even had a private funeral).

So with that, get to work people! I want to see something interesting coming up!

Welwn ni chi yn Heck! (Translation: See you in heck!)


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