Wednesday 23 May 2012

Rinrei Rants No. (I'm Too Overheated to Care)

Okay, there are certain things in this world I can endure with ease, including heat. However, I cannot stand strong heat blazing over my head and the sun laughing at me like the sun out of Soul Eater (yes, Pisces, a reference, come at me bro). I especially hate it when I have to do things under the Soul Eater Sun's heat of death.

This is why I hate today. Today it was a hot day. And I was made to walk in this hot day. In heels. I'm not sure who knows why I was wearing said heels, but I was wearing them. I was also wearing a long-sleeved blouse, although I had the excuse of covering my sunburnt arms for this.

It was after the exams that my friends, despite having the knowledge that I was wearing these two things and I had no money to buy water, decided it would be fun to go on a nice, long walk up a hill.

Instantly, you can see many problems with this, but allow me to go into problems that are also involved in my genes. I have pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Not a good mix for strong heat. The fact that I was previously sunburnt also adds to a good few problems.

I spent the first hour or so perfectly fine, but my brain began to scramble after being on the roundabout a few times, but this wasn't enough for my friends. No, they wanted to go all the way to the park to play on the death slide.

I was fine for a while, but then I started to feel thirsty and it became difficult to walk (I later found out that the blisters on my heels were larger that 50p pieces) and I began to rummage for water, finding out I had none. Hyper gave me her remaining water before deciding to hike up to an interesting place called 'the broken square' which was once a warehouse, in order to play hide-and-seek.

I decided to play this one game, but already I had a pounding headache, my breathing had become heavy and it was difficult to walk. Only later would I realise that I was suffering from both dehydration and heat stroke.

I limped back to school and finally managed to get a bottle of water, only to find the bus ten degrees hotter than outside and any more than 20 minutes would see me collapsing.

I told my mum the story and she flipped after seeing the blisters on my heels, claiming I should have more sense (although she should know that my other pair of shoes would never be good for this kind of thing and she knew my friends got me involved), which results in this non-ranting rant of rantiness.


P.S. Pisces, you have forgotten to update the news. Go on, edit this out, I dare you.

(Note from The Editor: I'm gonna leave this, just for kicks. Go on, Pisces. Do your worst.)

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