Friday 11 May 2012

The Top Ten Most Disturbing Anime Characters

Yes, I have a habit of doing Top Ten series. In this case, I am doing the Top Ten most disturbing anime characters. If anyone is reading this, then you might disagree with the things I say and if you have a complaint then post your comment here: http://www.idon' So, yeah, let's start with #10: The Undertaker from Black Butler.

No one knows the real name of the Undertaker, but obviously he is an Undertaker and an Informant to the main character, Ciel Phantomhive. The Undertaker has an odd obsession with corpses, or 'customers' as he calls them. There is never a moment when you don't see him grinning.

This character also sets the story on a dark and twisted path. For example, in Madame Red's arc, you meet him just before the 'Jack the Ripper' case, talking about what happened to the victims and how their uterus was cut out (still grinning, by the way). He basically creeps me out. He also appears before 'Shard of Hope' and the 'Book of Doomsday' arcs. So nothing is more foreboding than a mad undertaker that enjoys cutting out the organs of his 'customers'.

His obsession leaves me with an awkward choice: whether I should burst out laughing or shake in fear. He spends most of his time in coffins, and when there are any living people in his shop, he'll want to put you in a coffin too. So be warned, this guys mad.

Now here comes a little spoiler. According to later chapters in the manga itself, he brought back the dead just to see what would happen. Now for some quotes to fill the space.

This one comes after he climbs from a coffin: "Welcome, Earl. Do you want to see how it feels to sleep in one of my custom-made coffins?"

In the following quote, he's referring to some 'zombies' that he's created: "This beautifully stitched skin, as white as wax, just like when they were alive. Their mouths that cannot clamour noisily or tell lies any longer. Aren't they all far more beautiful than when they were alive?"

Yeah, he's definitely insane. You wanna see what he looks like? Here you go.
He's just one make-up artist away from being the Joker...
With that in mind, this is one undertaker that you will just die for.

Signing off!



Anonymous said...

Who did he bring back to life? I just got the ninth book and am freaking out about Sebastian. Buy the way, good analisis of the undertaker.

Rinrei said...

@Anonymous No one in specific, just numerous people at the same time to see what would happen.