Friday 25 May 2012

La Gardenia

Cette chanson ne m'appartient pas, mais ceux d'entre vous qui ontentendu les paroles savoir à qui il appartient. C'est ou vous avez coché les paroles. Je l'ai fait parce que je m'ennuyais et qu'il n'avait rien d'autre à faire. Vous devriez aussi remarquer mon mauvais français.

Questo profumo di gardenia
Fa incantare anche il sole.
Mi scordo di tutto
E mi unisco con lui,
Questo profumo è l’anima mia.
La mia viaggiatrice, gardenia.
Sei un fiore triste
Che sboccia nell’ isola disabitata
Il tuo odore è come il mio sogno.
Gardenia, sei bella ed onesta
E mi dai il magico splendore.
La dolcissima sembianza
Rende il mio sangue nero.
E aspetterò la luna di stanotte.
Il mio fior bianco è falso, gardenia.
Viene alla porta del labirinto.
Ti stringerò per sempre
Fra le braccia con affetto.
Dammi un bacio, amor!
Per sempre, gardenia.

Adieu toi bien, abrutis.

Translating General Madness, with The Eternal Editor
Rinrei, I'm going to kill you!

Well, seeing as none of us usual people will actually have understood this, I shall make use of the wonderful software known as Google Translate to sort out this madness as far as I can tell, it's a poem. But aside from this, I can't tell you what the heck the idea of this whole thing is.

The things I do for this blog, honestly... And the funny thing is that although I'm forever grumpy about it, it's the thing I enjoy most about this blog. Madness. I must be sane.

Here beginneth the beginning. The start seems to be French. Good on France, I say.

This song is not mine, but those of you who know the words ontentendu (translate this to 'shall', perhaps?) to whom it belongs. It's either you checked the lyrics. (This is nonsensical...) I did it because I was bored and had nothing else to do. You should also notice my bad French.

Okey dokey, then it changes into some other language. Hang a sec while I try out Spanish, because French implodes at this point. Oh wait! It's Italian. Here we go...

This scent of gardenia

Bewitches the sun.
I forget everything
And I join with him,
This perfume is my soul.
My traveler, gardenia.
Are you a flower sad
That blooms in uninhabited island
Your smell is like my dream.
Gardenia, you are beautiful and honest
And give me the magical splendor.
The sweet semblance
It makes my blood is black. (Because that makes sense...)
And wait for the moon tonight.
My white flower is false, gardenia.
Come to the door of the maze.
I'll hold you forever
Among the arms with affection.
Give me a kiss, love!
Forever, gardenia.

I'm really not sure where this is all coming from. I can only expect this to be an expression of dear, deep love towards a secret viewer. Now there's a final bit. I bet this'll be a beautiful ending to this love letter... French again. How romantic.

Farewell thee well, morons.

Or maybe not. My bubble's burst. I give up.

So, despite the fact that that made little or no sense, nice job, Rinners. You really are the maddest of us all. Unless, of course anybody wishes to dispute this...?

Regards, The Eternal Editor

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